Naga Munchetty sparks fury with BBC viewers after ‘confrontational’ Eustice row ‘Give up’

She added: “So if you introduced this and this was being considered, and I’m not asking you to talk about the report, I’m asking you to talk about all measures are being considered, wouldn’t it make sense to do it now?” “There’s a sub-committee of the cabinet who meet daily on these things,” Mr Eustice […]

BBC Breakfast viewers ‘switch off’ after Walker and Eustice migrant row: ‘Very fed up’

The Environment Secretary joined Louise Minchin and Dan Walker via video link this morning on BBC Breakfast to face questions about the Government’s coronavirus response and the news that yesterday was the “deadliest day” for migrants crossing the channel seeking refuge. It was reported yesterday that four people had died while attempting to cross the […]