GM wants to help shape the EPA’s next clean car standard

GM wants to exclusively sell electric vehicles by 2035, and it's now trying to nudge the US government toward the same goal. The automaker has teamed up with an advocacy group, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), to develop recommended principles for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) car emissions standards from the 2027 model year onward. […]

Challenge to EPA’s fuel economy rollback can move ahead, court says

(credit: Getty Images) Earlier this week, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that it wouldn’t immediately dismiss a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that was brought by a handful of states and green groups over the EPA’s vehicle fuel economy rollback. In April, the EPA’s former Administrator Scott […]

The Trump administration says it isn’t anti-science as it seeks to slash the EPA’s science office

Justin Merriman/Getty Images When the city of Toledo temporarily lost access to clean drinking water several years ago after a bloom of toxic algae, the Environmental Protection Agency sent scientists from its Office of Research and Development to study health effects and formulate solutions. The same office was on the front lines of the Flint […]