The mysterious story of former Theranos president Sunny Balwani, who former employees saw as an ‘enforcer’ and the SEC charged with fraud

Shayanne Gal/Business Insider During the rise and fall of Theranos, one of the company’s top executives stayed mainly out of the spotlight: its then-president Sunny Balwani.  Not much is known about Balwani, who Wall Street Journal investigative reporter and author of “Bad Blood” John Carreyrou found was in a romantic relationship with Theranos founder and CEO […]

Performers molested while filming sex scenes prompts directors to call for enforcer on set

Published time: 21 Nov, 2017 09:08 Edited time: 21 Nov, 2017 09:13 Sex scene actors and actresses have filed a series of complaints over being assaulted during filming fake intimate moments for the camera. A harassment ‘dossier’ compiled by directors proposes the presence of an “intimacy director” to prevent harm. Emotional support may be needed, […]