JPL scientist analyzes pros and cons of the science in dystopian drama IO

Enlarge / Micah (Anthony Mackie) and Sam (Margaret Qualley) are two of the last people on a toxic Earth in the Netflix original movie IO. (credit: Netflix) Much of the human race has decamped to a distant colony, leaving behind an uninhabitable Earth, in IO, Netflix’s modest follow-up to its post-apocalyptic thriller, Bird Box. Directed […]

'City of Surveillance': Google-backed smart city sounds like a dystopian nightmare

A Google-backed project to build the interconnected, data-driven ‘city of the future’ sounds like all George Orwell’s nightmares come true, and is now in the spotlight after a privacy expert resigned from the project in protest. Toronto’s Waterfront district used to be an industrial wasteland, but Sidewalk Labs – a sister company of Google – […]

AI Weekly: Dystopian visions of AI are distractions from present problems

Writing about AI for any appreciable amount of time is, in my experience, enough to make any reasonable person concerned about the future of humanity. But I worry the focus of that concern is too often directed at the relatively distant future, which could lead to unforeseen consequences in the present. Headlines from the past […]

First Episode Of Dystopian Nightmare Orwell: Ignorance Is Strength Released

I’ve got this feeling, somebody’s watching meee… Maybe that’s because I’ve been spending time with dystopian adventure game Orwell: Ignorance is Strength. Just like in the first season, you’re stepping into the shoes of a government official in a top-secret department of the Orwell surveillance program. Spy on your fellow citizens to defend The Nation […]

AI-powered face swapping has taken a dystopian turn

As if the issues like revenge porn and AI-powered facial recognition searches weren’t creepy enough, a Motherboard report reveals yet another unsettling use of technology: “deepfakes.” Within a month of locating a Redditor who used machine learning to swap pictures of mainstream actresses onto the bodies of women performing in porn movies, the outlet has […]

An Emmy Win for The Handmaid’s Tale Paints a Dystopian Future for Traditional TV

Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale won the Emmy award for Best Drama Series on Sunday night, the first time that a streaming service has snagged the show’s top award. In many ways, this is a surprising news peg (Hulu?!) for an unsurprising story (the rise of streaming television). Hulu is a distant third behind Netflix and […]

Dystopian What Happened To Monday? may hint at Netflix’s film priorities

The trailer for What Happened to Monday? Warning: This piece contains mild spoilers for Netflix’s What Happened to Monday? Halfway through its major 2017 original film push, Netflix seems to have more hits than misses. That’s not to say the company has had its Stranger Things equivalent; none of Netflix’s films has captured popular conversation as sweepingly […]

A Cruel King Rules a Wasteland of His Own Making in This Dystopian Short

Image via screen grab Writer-director Luke Jaden uses the vacant lots and abandoned buildings of his Detroit hometown to provide the setting for King Ripple—a sinister fairy tale about a young man whose desire to be left alone has turned him into a mass-murdering deity of sorts. Despite that, curious kids just can’t stay away. […]