Derek Draper’s miraculous U-turn as Ben Shephard says he wasn’t due home for eight months

Derek, 53, has spent the past 12 months in hospital after contracting coronavirus last March and Kate, 53, has been left in turmoil over his condition. Despite the odds, he has pulled through and in an incredible development, he is now home and getting used to having his family around him 24/7. There are still […]

Heinz is turning Don Draper’s failed ‘Pass the Heinz’ pitch into actual ads

In a season six episode of AMC series “Mad Men,” lead ad creative Don Draper, of the fictional ad agency Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, did the unthinkable: He pitched an ad for Heinz ketchup that didn’t actually show the product. The client rejected the idea in the show, but now the ads — featuring fries, a […]