‘The show’s gone downhill!’ Piers Morgan’s ‘attack’ on Boris Johnson loses GMB viewers

The leader of the Conservative Party was battling coronavirus in an intensive care unit just a few weeks ago, and just as he was about to return to work his partner, Carrie Symonds gave birth to their first baby together; a boy.  Downing Street released the news alongside an image of Johnson – which was […]

Lindsey Vonn intentionally slowed down during her downhill training run because she didn’t want her opponents to know how fast she was going

Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images Lindsey Vonn completed her first two training runs for the downhill event on Sunday and Monday at the Winter Olympics. After Vonn failed to medal in the super-G, her training times suggest she will be in a good position to rebound in the downhill. Despite apparently intentionally slowing herself down, she still […]

“The Downhill Slide”

In a series of text messages to her daughter’s high school classmate in October and November, Buckley Kuhn-Fricker expressed concerns about her 16-year-old’s “downhill slide” since she began dating another teen she met at the private school they attended in Springfield, Virginia. “The downhill slide since she has been with [redacted] is super scary and […]

Lindsey Vonn walks away after crashing in Lake Louise downhill

Lake Louise was unusually harsh on Lindsey Vonn in the first women’s World Cup downhill of the season Friday. Her American teammate Mikaela Shiffrin fared much better. In the lead by five hundredths of a second, Vonn crashed within sight of the finish line on the Alberta mountain where she owns 18 World Cup victories. She was able to get up and […]

Watch World Cup women's downhill from Lake Louise

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Road to the Olympic Games: Men's downhill from Lake Louise

To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada’s online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any […]

French downhill skier David Poisson dies after training crash at Nakiska

French downhill skier David Poisson, a former medallist at the world championships, died on Monday following a training crash in Alberta. He was 35. The French ski federation said Poisson, who won the downhill bronze medal at the 2015 worlds, was training in the Alberta resort of Nakiska for World Cup races in North America.  According […]