A Jewish Revival: Communities Return to Poland, Sicily and Myanmar

The ornate colonial building on a bustling alleyway fits right in with the neighborhood. To enter, visitors don’t need to pass through any security checks or barriers — increasingly commonplace around the world, given rising attacks. The Musmeah Yeshua is the only synagogue in Yangon, Myanmar, and its doors are open, which is a source […]

In the age of Trump, anger toward the news media is spreading into local communities

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images Resentment toward the media that has been promoted by President Donald Trump is causing local reporters and photographers to fear for their safety, so much so that The Radio Television Digital News Association has started to circulate safety and self-defense tips to members of the media.  CNN reporter Jim Acosta told Trump […]

Reddit bans communities promoting QAnon conspiracy theory

Reddit’s tougher policies just led to more community bans, albeit not for typical reasons. The site has confirmed to Slate that it shut down subreddits associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory, including GreatAwakening, QProofs and thestorm, among others. While the company didn’t say exactly what had prompted the bans, it noted that its rules bar […]

Twitch nixes Communities, adds tags to improve content discovery

Video game streaming service Twitch launched Communities in February of last year. These were ostensibly hub page for specific games or topics that members could create to help people find content. Now the company will shut these pages down mid-September in favor of a new tagging system. Twitch will also add 10 new categories for […]

Health insurer Cigna is zeroing in on targeted communities in an effort to combat the opioid crisis (CI)

Cigna is taking a new approach to combat the opioid crisis by focusing in on communities with higher than average overdose rates.  The health insurer is partnering with health care providers, pharmacists and community organizations to educate, intervene and support its customers.  Cigna is also working with employers to develop a more comprehensive coverage plan […]

How Spirit AI uses artificial intelligence to level up game communities

Spirit AI is using artificial intelligence to combat toxic behavior in game communities. The London company has created its Ally social intelligence tool to decipher online conversations and monitor whether cyberbullying is taking place. It is the brainchild of researchers at New York University, according to Mitu Khandaker, creative partnerships d…Read More

How higher education is preparing millennials to give back to their communities

Getty Images Young people are idealistic: That’s as true today as it was 40 or 50 years ago. But there’s one sentiment that sets millennials apart from earlier generations of young people — from the silent generation, the baby boomers, and Generation X. They are also eminently practical. Call them “realistic idealists,” if you will, or “idealistic […]

German communities should be paid for taking in refugees – vice chancellor

Published time: 23 Dec, 2017 15:06 Local communities should be appropriately paid for taking in refugees to reduce social tensions, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said, adding that Germany is becoming “a land of desire” like the US was in the 19th century. Municipalities that take in refugees should receive incentives for doing so, particularly through […]