Colon cancer cure? Scientists say eating ALMONDS could be as good as chemotherapy

Currently the main treatments for colon or bowel cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological treatments. Their effectiveness depends on how far the cancer has spread by the time it is diagnosed, according to the NHS. However, research may have uncovered another – as effective – option. The study by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in […]

Doctors Have Built a Magnetic Robot to Gently Explore Your Colon

GIF As you get older, colonoscopies become an important part of maintaining your health, allowing doctors to spot potentially fatal diseases like colon cancer before they progress too far. So medical researchers are hoping to make the procedure safer, and slightly less invasive, using a tiny capsule that’s remotely steered around using a magnet outside […]

Rangers Pitcher Jake Diekman Will Miss First Half Of Season After Colon Surgery

Photo: Tony Gutierrez/AP Texas Rangers pitcher Jake Diekman, who has had ulcerative colitis since he was a kid, underwent the first of several surgeries to remove his colon earlier this week. He had hoped to delay the procedure until next offseason but after a flareup over the holidays caused him to lose nearly 20 pounds […]