Back pain warning – avoid drinking this many cups of coffee or risk painful backache

Back pain is a common condition that usually improves without any treatment, within a few weeks or months, according to the NHS. It could be caused by having bad posture, a small injury, or sleeping in an awkward position. The painful condition could also be caused by eating certain foods, or drinking some drinks, it’s […]

The Birth of America’s Obsession With the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Wanted: someone to set the record straight on coffee’s health effects and work out the recipe for a perfect cup. This was the National Coffee Roasters Association’s proposition to Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Samuel Prescott in 1920, in exchange for $ 40,000 worth of funding (half a million today). The public was fed up […]

Your Body on Caffeine Addiction: 70 Cups of Coffee in 7 Days

A previous boss of mine once proudly stated that he drank 10 cups of coffee every single day.Completely baffled, yet also intrigued by that statement, I couldn’t help but wonder how he might feel.Is his sleep restful? Does he feel productive and healthy? Is drinking this amount dangerous?That’s why I decided recently to voluntarily get […]

Tom Watson weight loss: Politician lost six stone by adding THIS food to his coffee

Tom Watson, 51, is the Labour party MP that has recently wowed Britons with his incredible weight loss. The politician has lost 86 pounds since last summer, all down to following one keto diet trick. The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet, that puts the body into ketosis and burns the body’s stored fat […]

‘Coffee Talk’ Is A Chill Game About Brewing Beverages And Listening To People

If you’ve got a hankering for a short and sweet slice-of-life story with some weirdness thrown into the mix this fine Sunday morning, might I recommend the demo for the upcoming narrative coffee shop simulator, Coffee Talk? Developer Toge Productions describe Coffe Talk as “a game about listening to people’s problems and help them by […]

Starbucks gets away with expensive coffee in the morning — but it’s losing out to cheaper competition in the afternoons (SBUX)

Starbucks could be pricing itself out of the market, Bernstein warned clients on Tuesday. The firm says Starbucks coffee is priced about 38% higher than competitors, which is especially hurtful in the afternoon. With already high prices, Starbucks could struggle if the price of raw coffee beans increases. Follow Starbucks’ stock price in real-time here. […]

Coffee ‘can heal the heart’

OLDER people should drink four cups of coffee a day to protect and repair their heart muscles, according to a new study yesterday. The caffeine protects the heart by boosting a protein, which, in turn, shields cardiovascular cells from damage, the study, published in the journal PLOS Biology, said.

The best drip coffee maker

By Cale Guthrie Weissman and Liz Clayton This post was done in partnership with Wirecutter. When readers choose to buy Wirecutter’s independently chosen editorial picks, it may earn affiliate commissions that support its work. Read the full article here. Since 2014, we’ve spent 71 hours brewing in 19 coffee makers to find our top home […]