Steven Spielberg is Responsible For ‘Bumblebee’s Female Lead Character

The Transformers film franchise doesn’t have a great track record with its female characters. But Bumblebee, the upcoming live-action Transformers spin-off movie, might be the first step toward changing that – and fans have Steven Spielberg to thank for it. Learn about the significant Steven Spielberg Bumblebee contribution below. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, producer Lorenzo di […]

Bumblebee’s ‘Transformers’ Spin-Off Confirmed as a Prequel, But Where/When Will It Take Place?

We’ve already explored how director Michael Bay can’t seem to quit the Transformers franchise, and we know Paramount certainly doesn’t have any plans to give up on one of its most consistent moneymakers. Bay himself says there are 14 more movies in development, and the filmmaker recently confirmed that the upcoming Bumblebee spinoff will be a prequel. But where […]