A 27-year-old CEO whose brokerage manages $60 million shares his 3 best beginner investing tips

M1 Do-it-yourself investing can be scary for a lot of people, especially young wanna-be investors. The financial markets are complicated and so most people prefer to give their money to someone else to manage. When Brian Barnes graduated from Stanford in 2012, he had a hard time finding a tool with which he could invest […]

Can Zillow ‘Uber-ize’ the hundred-billion-dollar real estate brokerage?

GUEST: Earlier this month, when Zillow announced a record high quarter, projecting to surpass a billion dollars in revenue by the end of this year, many wondered whether the company, with its 75 percent online real estate audience market share and 171 million monthly users, can “Uber-ize” real estate agents, cutting out traditional brick-and-mortar brokerage middlemen in the same way Uber […]