The Mandalorian Unveils Astonishingly Lifelike ‘Baby Yoda’ Toy: Watch Him Use The Force in the Cutest Way Possible

RELATED STORIES Disney has found an adorable new way to part Mandalorian fans from their hard-earned Beskar steel. The House of Mouse on Thursday unveiled an animatronic version of The Child, known colloquially as “Baby Yoda.” The toy, now available for pre-order, retails for $ 59.99 — just shy of the real deal’s reported $ […]

Astonishingly close lightning strike stuns staff at Quebec hunting lodge (VIDEO)

Published time: 2 Sep, 2017 14:03 Staff at a Quebec hunting lodge may be keeping a nervous eye on the skies from now on after they were treated to an incredibly close look at a lightning strike. Footage of the event at the Bryson Lake Lodge in Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Quebec was posted online Wednesday – and […]