Monty Don hints at struggles of tending garden while ‘being on the telly’: ‘People assume’

He continued: “But the truth is, especially for garden designers,  “They’re so busy with their clients’ gardens, they often don’t have time to look after their own.” Introducing his Gardeners’ World guest Monty added: “That was the case for many years for Nick. “However, the events of the past year meant that for the first […]

‘I assume I’ll be opening’

Video ‘I assume I’ll be opening’3:05 Cricket: After being selected for the Australian Ashes squad, Cameron Bancroft says that he assumes he’ll be opening. November 17th 2017 14 minutes ago /display/ news and galleries/Cricket news and galleries/ Cricket Paine: ‘Good opportunity to keep’4:20 November 17th 2017 6 hours ago /display/ news and galleries/Cricket news and […]

United Airlines CEO won’t assume chairmanship next year after ‘horrific’ seating fiasco

Published time: 21 Apr, 2017 22:44 In the wake of its ill-fated passenger removal fiasco, United Airlines has announced that chief executive Oscar Munoz will not take up his position as chair of the company board next year. The CEO of the American airlines was widely expected to assume greater control of the company in […]

Gen. Votel: It’s ‘fair to assume’ Russia is helping the Taliban in Afghanistan

Thomson Reuters Four-star Gen. Joseph Votel told Congress that it is “fair to assume” Russia is providing support to the Taliban in Afghanistan. “I believe what Russia is attempting to do is they are attempting to be an influential party in this part of the world,” the four-star General and CENTCOM Commander said on Thursday. […]

Mexico won’t accept foreign deportees, US must assume responsibility – FM Videgaray

Mexico “does not have to, and will not” accept deportees coming from the United States, especially if they’re not Mexicans, the country’s Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said in an address to the Senate. Videgaray stated on Tuesday that Washington “must assume a responsibility that it has historically not assumed,” citing the flow of arms from […]