Archeologists discovered a 17th-century Polish ‘vampire’ with a sickle across her neck meant to prevent a return from the dead

Female "vampire" with a sickle across her throat found in Pień, Poland. Mirosław Blicharski The skeleton of female "vampire" was discovered in a 17th-century Polish graveyard, the Daily Mail reported. Professor Dariusz Poliński said the skeleton was found restrained to prevent her returning from the grave. The remains had a sickle laying across the throat […]

Ancient chocolate: Archeologists find cacao traces older than any before

Our love of chocolate goes back 5,300 years, a team of archaeologists have discovered after finding the earliest trace of the tasty treat in artifacts in the Amazon River basin in South America. Researchers went to Ecuador to investigate the earliest evidence of cacao and discovered the origin of the world’s chocolate supply dates back […]

Ancient DNA rules out archeologists’ best bet for horse domestication

Enlarge (credit: Ted / Flickr) It would be difficult to overstate how instrumental the horse has been in shaping the world around us today. That’s easy to forget now that most of us get around by other means, but horses were central to human mobility for millennia, and much of our history of warfare and […]