The Morning Watch: Meryl Streep Edition – Role Swap with Tom Hanks, Interviewing Anna Wintour & More

The Morning Watch is a recurring feature that highlights a handful of noteworthy videos from around the web. They could be video essays, fanmade productions, featurettes, short films, hilarious sketches, or just anything that has to do with our favorite movies and TV shows. In this special Meryl Streep edition, The Oscar-winning actress and The […]

Before ‘Pitch Perfect 3’, Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson & More Recap the Whole Franchise

This weekend brings Pitch Perfect 3 to theaters, offering a different kind of musical opposite Hugh Jackman’s circus extravaganza in The Greatest Showman. So just in case you haven’t seen the first two installments of the a capella franchise, Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Brittany Snow, Anna Camp, Chrissie Fit, Hana Mae Lee, and Ester Dean […]

‘Overboard’ Remake Trailer: Anna Faris Has Fun With Amnesia

Garry Marshall’s 1987 Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russell amnesia comedy gets updated for 2018 with Overboard. This new take on the material reverses the genders of the leads, but mostly tells the same story – with more pratfalls. Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez and Eva Longoria star. Watch the Overboard trailer remake below. In 1987, real-life couple Goldie Hawn and Kurt […]

Here’s Darlene Love, Anna Kendrick, The Roots, and Jimmy Fallon Doing ‘Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)’

[unable to retrieve full-text content] One of our favorite television holiday traditions was Darlene Love’s annual visit to David Letterman’s show – first Late Night on NBC, then The Late Show on CBS – to sing her Phil Spector-produced Christmas classic, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home).” When Letterman went off the air in 2015, Love […]

Coronation Street spoilers: Phelan to KILL Anna Windass as revenge for Nicola exit?

Tonight’s episode of the ITV soap saw Pat (played by Connor McIntyre) and wife Eileen Grimshaw (Sue Cleaver) return from their impromptu holiday away to discover that their future home had been burned to the ground.  Unaware that Pat was behind the sinister arson attempt himself, Eileen continued to grieve for the lavish house as her […]

Coronation Street spoilers: Anna Windass’ exit plot REVEALED in cruel Pat Phelan twist?

Coronation Street viewers watched on in shock on Monday as Seb (played by Harry Visinoni) was tricked by Pat Phelan (Connor McIntyre) into thinking it was Anna (Debbie Rush) who pushed him from the ladder. Tonight’s episode is now going to see the police quiz Anna on a crime she didn’t commit, with her calmly […]

Coronation Street: Viewers spot MAJOR blunder as Anna Windass finds Seb's lifeless body

In last night’s first episode of the double bill, fans of the ITV soap saw Seb (played by Harry Visinoni) plummet onto the ground as his ladder became unsteady. Anna Windass (Debbie Rush) immediately ran over to his lifeless body and was in shock as Seb lay in a pool of his own blood. In […]

Anna Torv (Sorta) Solves Mindhunter's Big, Fat Cat Cliffhanger

I fancy a good cat mystery like anyone, but Mindhunter‘s Season 1 feline brain-teaser had me clawing my eyes out. The curiosity was killing me, I tell ya! So I tracked down the woman at the center of the kitten cliffhanger — Mindhunter‘s leading lady Anna Torv — to get her purrrrrspective on the perplexing pussy […]

The Cast and Crew of ‘Anna and the Apocalypse’ on Their Christmas Zombie Musical [Interview]

Every year, every film festival, some World Premiere comes out of nowhere to reveal itself as “the next big thing.” At this year’s Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, that title was Anna and The Apocalypse. This film is director John McPhail’s – wait for it – Scottish, Christmas-themed horror musical about coming of age during the […]

Coronation Street spoilers: Anna Windass to be MURDERED by Pat Phelan ahead of exit?

Soap bosses are said to be lining up a dramatic exit for Debbie Rush’s character involving Pat Phelan (played by Connor McIntyre). New photos show Anna hiding in bushes before frantically rushing to a phone box to make a desperate call for help. Fearing for her life, Anna even turns to schoolchildren in a bid […]