Video game loot boxes are creating underage gambling addicts – UK audit

An audit by the UK Gambling Commission says that pushing players to buy chance-based items in video games has lead to a startling spike in gambling addiction among children. The alarming audit shows (scaling the survey results to UK population figures) some 55,000 children between the ages of 11-16 showcase telltale signs of gambling addiction, including […]

‘If it hasn’t happened … it’s coming’: Mothers of addicts urge radical approach to fentanyl crisis

If the latest numbers don’t provide enough motivation to address the fentanyl crisis — 989 dead in British Columbia this year alone from illicit drug overdoses — Kathy Wagner hopes her son’s story will. She and three other mothers are proposing a radical solution to the devastating toll fentanyl-laced drugs are having on addicts and […]

Louis Theroux: Dark States – Journalist sniffs heroin on addict’s palm

One addict Louis interviewed explained that her latest delivery had “a smell to it” which meant that it had either been “re-cut” or was a “decent quality”. Finding it hard to describe the vinegar scent, the addict offered her palm out to Louis to smell the drug. As Louis explained that it was “weird” and […]

‘Even gambling addicts have more protections’ than student-loan borrowers

Drew Angerer/Getty Images Borrowers who default on their student loans are pursued aggressively by the Department of Education and private debt collectors, facing garnished wages, withheld IRS tax returns, and decreased Social Security payments, Reuters reported. “We treat struggling student-loan borrowers the same as deadbeat parents and tax cheats,” Seth Frotman, a senior member of the […]

‘I was saved and he will be too’ Former addict’s words of encouragement to Ant McPartlin

GETTY/ MARK KEHOE Nicki Hari became addicted to painkillers after nine operations on her knees Nicki spent years addicted to Tramadol, the same powerful opiate-based painkiller that caused the I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! presenter to check himself into rehab last weekend. Ant, 41, chose to go public with the fact that […]

Woman tours US offering drug, alcohol addicts $300 to undergo vasectomies

Published time: 27 May, 2017 18:44 A woman activist is touring the US to promote long-term birth control for people addicted to drugs and alcohol. Barbara Harris, founder of the non-profit Project Prevention, has herself adopted four drug-dependent babies and says her goal is to reduce the burden on addicts, social workers and the tax […]