Melania Trump colours White House BLUE – as Donald requests 'secret' Stormy Daniels trial

Melania Trump, 47, is the First Lady of the USA and is the wife of Donald Trump, 71, President of the USA. The Stormy Daniels news – concerning the porn star’s alleged affair with the President – has recently surrounded the pair’s marriage. A Twitter post from Melania’s representative Stephanie Grisham addressed the rumours last week. […]

Politicians talk to statue, lug around photocopier in search of 'secret' Obamacare replacement bill

Abraham Lincoln’s head was no help, and dragging a copy machine a quarter-mile turned out to be a complete waste of time too. That’s just part of the rough day Capitol lawmakers had trying to catch a glimpse of a secretive bill to replace Obamacare. It was quite a spectacle Thursday when Senator Rand Paul […]