Superman & Lois Spring Finale Drops Another Captain Luthor Bombshell

An annual tradition celebrating “the best of Smallville” turned into a festival of frights on Superman & Lois‘ spring finale, which ended with another jaw-dropping detail about Captain Luthor’s backstory.

The super-couple’s troubles began when Sharon Powell’s son Derek mysteriously returned home, conveniently unaware of any voicemail he supposedly sent to his mother. Lois and Chrissy could tell that something wasn’t adding up about his story, but Sharon insisted that there was nothing further to investigate… which is literally the worst way to get a journalist off your tail. So when a fire suddenly broke out at the community center (spoiler alert: Derek lost control of his newly acquired laser vision!), The Smallville Gazette‘s best/only reporting team sprang into action.

But while she was busy keeping tabs on Morgan Edge’s newest X-Kryptonite soldier, Lois was unaware that another interested party was hot on her trail — Captain Luthor! (I know he’s the “bad guy” or whatever, but I was honestly just glad to see him back.) Posing as a LuthorCorp employee-turned-Reuters technology reporter, he approached Lois with an offer to throw more dirt on her Morgan Edge pile, one she met with her usual mix of intrigue and suspicion.

Meanwhile, Chrissy caught Derek doing business (and I do mean biz-nass) with Leslie Larr outside of a shady Edge-owned facility. Following her personal mantra (WWLD, aka “What Would Lois Do?”), Chrissy followed them into the building just in time to see her put him into a mystery machine — and not the fun Scooby-Doo kind. That’s when Superman finally RSVP’d to the party, chasing a re-energized Derek over various cornfields until they were both shot out of the sky by Captain Luthor.

“He resurrected me, Kal-El!” Derek told Supes. “You’re not alone anymore!” But before he had a chance to tell Clark what that meant, Derek announced, “I’m already dead!” and then blew up. (RIP!) By the time Captain Luthor caught up to the wreckage, his target had flown the coop.

As always, this week’s episode also gave us a healthy dose of teen drama, from Jordan and Sarah going on their first (and last?) date to Jonathan getting dumped (over the phone, no less!) by Eliza. In his grief, Jonathan transformed into a drunken tornado of misery, first by telling his dad that he wants to move back to Metropolis (“This town is my Kryptonite!”), then by crashing Jordan’s date and harassing Sarah. She wasn’t thrilled that Jordan immediately took his brother’s side over hers, but she agreed to still be his friend — so there’s a silver lining for ya.

Clark’s conflict with Jonathan inspired flashbacks to his own final days in Smallville, when he apparently had similar clashes with his mother. (“I wasn’t sent here to be Martha Kent’s son!” he once said when she tried to keep him from taking to the streets as a masked vigilante.) Clark admitted that he regrets leaving home the way he did, so he offered Jonathan a one-time-only “get out of jail free” card in exchange for his son agreeing to give Smallville another chance.

But before we had time to fully process Clark’s questionable parenting, we learned another twisted truth about Captain Luthor. When his computer reminded him that the Lois of this world is nothing like the Lois of his own, he angrily replied, “Everything about her is the same. Everything except that she married someone else!” That’s right, C.L. and L.L. are man and wife in his world. Jaw, meet floor.

Honestly, I’m still so focused on that Lane-Luthor reveal, I have no bandwidth to worry about Tag attacking Jordan in the woods in the episode’s final moments. He’ll be fine.

Your thoughts on Superman & Lois‘ spring finale? (New episodes resume Tuesday, May 18 at 9/8c. In the meantime, The CW will be airing the first half of Supergirl‘s final season in this same timeslot.) Grade the episode, then drop a comment with your hopes for the show’s return.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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