Pokemon Go Community Day time set for shiny Chikorita, but don’t forget Mewtwo

Trainers have a chance at catching a brand new shiny Pokemon for their collection today.

The Pokemon Go Community Day will include a lot of Chikoritas spawning at set times around the globe.

And those set Pokemon Go launch times have been confirmed by Niantic for each region around the world.

The September event will be running at different times depending on what region you live in and is just the latest September bonus to be offered by Niantic.

Each time is a little different, with players in the UK getting the chance to catch a lot of Chikoritas from 10am to 1pm.

All Pokemon Go Community Day times can be found below:

  • Europe, Middle East, Africa, India: 10am to 1pm UK
  • North America, South America and Greenland: 11am to 2pm PST
  • Asia Pacific: 12pm to 3pm JST

For those that don’t know, each month the development team run a special Community celebration that last three hours and gives players the chance at catching one specially picked Pokemon.

Pokemon Go Trainers will also have access to a range of bonuses and will even get the chance to unlock a special move.

Today’s September Community Day features Chikorita, who can be evolved into Meganium.

If you do decide to evolve Chikorita into its final form, the special move Plant Frenzy will be unlocked for you.

And for the true completionist, there will also be shiny Chikoritas available to catch, although they will be much rarer than the regular kind.

While the three-hour lures are active, players will also be able to score three times the average catch XP during Community Day hours.

These are the primary rewards for playing during the Community Day event but aren’t the only bonuses available today.

New Mewtwo Raids are also available to take on in groups, although Trainers have been warned about their toughness.

While Niantic has encouraged all players to nab one of the powerful psychic types before the end of the event in October, it’s not as easy as it might look.

For those who have already been part of an encounter, beating Mewtwo takes some serious planning and a good group of players to rely on.

And if you do beat it, Mewtwo isn’t exactly a guaranteed catch.

Trainers are reporting that Mewtwo does have a big catch circle, making it easier to score an excellent throw.

However, data miners are also reporting that the Pokemon catch rate has dropped significantly since it was the star of the EX Raids.

According to those looking into it, Mewtwo has gone from a 9% catch rate to a 2% catch rate.

That’s a steep drop and makes it even more important to try and score as many Pokeballs during your initial encounter.

Mewtwo is also reportedly quite a jumpy fellow who likes to block whatever you throw at him, so be careful to time everything as tightly as possible.

But even though Mewtwo will be the star of the raids until mid-October, Chikorita will be the main focus for many Trainers today.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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