REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
Melania and Barron Trump moved into the White House on Sunday, a move they had delayed so that Barron could finish the year at his New York City-based day school rather than moving to Washington, D.C. right away.
Barron attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, an elite school located in the Upper West Side of Manhattan that runs students about $ 47,000 a year.
This fall, Barron will start school at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland.
Here’s what we know about St. Andrew’s:
St. Andrew’s was founded in 1978 on Episcopalian values. “Service is at the heart of the Christian life and is another hallmark of Episcopal identity,” the school’s site says.
For the 2016-17 school year, there were about 580 students enrolled.
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Annual tuition is about $ 40,000.
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