David Boreanaz on SEAL Team Finale’s Final Scene: You’ll Be ‘Very Surprised’ by What Follows in Season 4 Premiere

SEAL Team‘s makeshift Season 3 finale found Bravo braving some very close calls while operating without its leader, then closed with an encounter that portends to have a surprising outcome.

The first stretch of Wednesday night’s episode saw Jason serving as Mandy’s admittedly overqualified security detail as she paid a condolence call to the widow of the local vendor, Samin, who served as an informant — and was murdered for said alliance. “I think Jason had to take care of what he needed to take care of,” series lead David Boreanaz tells TVLine of Bravo 1’s decision to escort Mandy into town. “The two of us have hinted that they have somewhat been involved in the past, and while we don’t know really what happened, they just have this strong connection.”

That said, Jason was disappointed to discover, upon returning to camp, that Ray had been dispatched with the rest of the team on a time-sensitive operation that could give them a bead on new HVT Asim al-Hazred’s location. “He was concerned, knowing that they were still out there,” Boreanaz says of Jason’s initial reaction. “He wanted to try to control that and get back out there [to help], but he couldn’t.”

Luckily, Ray, Sonny (fancying himself a bit of a bomb defuser), Clay et al were ultimately able to get close enough to their target that Davis could track the courier’s future movements, which promise to lead them to al-Hazred. And while seeing the team succeed under Ray’s command could have nudged Jason to believe, as Lindell would want him, that Bravo can do fine without him — and possible steer him into a funk of accepted mortality — instead we saw Jason celebrate everything that they have overcome and accomplished.

That warm group huzzah, Boreanaz says, illustrates that Jason “is a lifer, man, and it’s what he loves to do. You can’t put him behind a desk, you can’t put him in charge of something that he doesn’t want to be doing. He’s a pure instinct guy, and he likes to be with his brothers on the field, leading them. That’s his M.O., and we’ll find out how that unfolds in, especially, what would’ve been [Episode] 22” — aka the planned season finale that hadn’t completed filming at the time the coronavirus pandemic shut down the entertainment industry.

Coming off of Bravo Team’s close call … knowing that Clay is going STA-21, and hearing Ray talk about how he could never be Bravo 1… and coupled with the less-than-warm welcome that Mandy got from Samin’s widow, the ersatz finale ended with Jason knock-knock-knocking on Mandy’s trailer door. Without saying barely a word (aside from Mandy’s “You OK?”) and after three full seasons, the two gravitated toward and pulled each other into a heated, hungry embrace.

“Like I said, they have a connection, and they understand each other,” Boreanaz says of the hook-up. “They both operate in a world that is all about getting what they need to get done and where the odds against that are extremely high. There’s always a bullet for somebody.”

As for what “the morning after” might look like for the like-minded colleagues…. “I think that people will be very surprised by what may happen in the next episode,” hints Boreanaz, who was in the midst of directing Episode 21 when production shut down. “I’ll tease that.”

SEAL Team viewers can rest assured that they will get answers, about the above and so much more, now that the CBS drama has been renewed for Season 4.

Want scoop on SEAL Team Season 4, or for any other show? Email InsideLine@tvline.com and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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