Chicago Fire‘s latest bottle episode rescue is a triple whammy of bad news.
In this Wednesday’s installment (NBC, 9/8c), the firehouse is called to a blaze at a 10-story storage unit building, where Herrmann and Cruz quickly find themselves trapped inside a freight elevator with two scared civilians, one of whom is injured. Plus, some of the elevator’s cables have ripped, causing it to drop precariously, and the firefighters’ comms aren’t working, leaving them with no way to communicate with the outside world in the below exclusive sneak peek.
The goal of the episode was “to write it like a play and have the actors perform entire acts in one take, rather than having 10 or 12 scenes in one act the way we normally do,” showrunner Derek Haas said in a statement, adding that stars Joe Minoso and David Eigenberg “truly delivered.”
“We had 30-minute takes where we ran two acts together all the way through,” Haas continued. “I’ve never heard our crew cheer as loudly at the end of a take the way they did for Joe and David when director Reza Tabriza finally yelled ‘cut.’ I believe David gave his best performance of the series.”
Press PLAY above to watch a preview of the harrowing hour, then hit the comments with your thoughts!