BBC’s Naga Munchetty snaps at Corbyn’s ‘hypocritical’ attack on Boris’ Brexit deal

The BBC’s Naga Munchetty criticised Jeremy Corbyn’s record on protecting the Union during what viewers described as a “car-crash” interview with Labour’s Andy McDonald, which one observer said “laid bare” the “sheer hypocrisy” of Mr Corbyn’s stance on the Union. During last night’s BBC leader debate, critics such as Tory Party chairman James Cleverly pointed out the Labour leader’s “hypocrisy” for his concern over the fate of Northern Ireland. Speaking on BBC Breakfast this morning, Munchetty grilled Mr McDonald on whether Mr Corbyn could be trusted to keep the United Kingdom together.

She said: “Let’s talk about some of the issues that were raised last night. One of them was Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal. Jeremy Corbyn says a deal has been agreed which outs border checks between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and therefore puts the union at risk. 

“What is tricky is that not only has Jeremy Corbyn campaigned for a united Ireland but also said to Nicola Sturgeon he will consider an independence referendum. Does he, does the party, even value the Union?”

Mr McDonald replied: “Well absolutely and that is why we have said to the SNP in clear terms there will be no deal done on the election of a Labour Government. We will countenance that in the fullness of time but it is certainly not going to be in an early Labour Government.”

Before the debate, Jeremy Corbyn held a bombshell press conference, claiming that a leaked document showed Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal would have a “devastating” impact on Northern Ireland.

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According to the Labour leader, the leaked Treasury report undermined the Prime Minister’s claim that under his Brexit deal there would be no checks on goods moving between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

During the debate itself, Mr Corbyn said: “He spoke at a DUP conference and said there would be no trade restrictions after Brexit whatsoever, we now know there are restrictions.”

He then suggested Mr Johnson put the future of the Union at risk with such a deal. 

Mr Johnson was met with applause from the audience when he responded he found it “slightly curious” to be lectured about the union by Mr Corbyn.

Mr McDonald responded: “This PM said that he would never put a border down the Irish Sea and he has done just that.”

The senior Corbyn ally then suggested that the “clamour for independence would subside” once Labour injected investment into Scotland.

Social media reacted to Munchetty’s interview with a dismal view on how Mr McDonald fared.

One user tweeted: “Andy McDonald having a complete car crash interview on #BBCBreakfast with Comrade Corbyn sheer hypocrisy on Ireland and Scotland being laid bare.”

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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