After Math: If I had no loot

It was a week of lost and found fortunes in the tech world. The Feds charged My Big Coin Pay over its $ 6 million cryptocurrency scam, Netflix is poised to take home as many a four golden statues for Mudbound, Bungie’s in hot water again over tweaking its Faction token payouts and Google will be holding onto its $ 20 million XPrize payout thankyouverymuch. Numbers, because how else would you evenly divvy up the spoils?

Golden coins on metal floor with cpu logo as example for bitcoin, online banking or fin-tech$ 6 million: That’s how much real money the Commodity Futures Trading Commission alleges that My Big Coin Pay, purveyors of the My Big Coin cryptocurrency, managed to bilk from its victims in a brazen Ponzi scheme before getting caught by the Feds.

$ 0: That’s how much cryptocurrency trading site Robinhood will charge its users to trade bitcoin and etherium between themselves. What’s more, the service will enable users to transfer up to $ 1000 from their bank accounts to buy new units of their preferred cryptocurrency.

2: That’s how many cloned baby Rhesus macaques Chinese researchers managed to create using the same genetic techniques that gave us Dolly the sheep. It wasn’t easy, however, and required 127 eggs and 79 embryos to even get to this point. So don’t expect us to be cloning humans anytime soon.

2 days: That’s how long you’ll have to get your hands on one of these sweet KFC quadcopters that transform out of a used fried chicken bucket. They’re only available at select locations throughout India on January 25th and 26th. Eat your heart out, Michael Bay.

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 08:  A view of the Oscars logo at the 88th Annual Academy Awards nominee luncheon on February 8, 2016 in Beverly Hills, California.  (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

4: That’s how many Oscar nods Netflix’s original movie, MudBound, received this year. Mary J. Blige was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, Rachel Morrison is the first woman (like ever) to be nominated for Best Achievement in Cinematography, and the movie itself is up for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Original Song.

500: That’s how many Faction Rally tokens some Destiny 2 players were farming every hour before Bungie stepped in and tweaked the loot drop mechanism — much to the chagrin of the community. Bungie should change its slogan to “damned if we do, damned if we don’t” given the perpetual outrage its players constantly exhibit towards the company.

$ 20 million: That’s how much money will be remaining in Google’s coffers after its latest XPrize contest, which sought to place rovers and other robotic explorers on the Lunar surface, finished without any of the competing teams actually launching their payloads.

Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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