Ackley Bridge spoilers: Naveed Haider left heartbroken after Cory Wilson plot twist

Desperate to make it as a stand-up comic, Naveed (played by Gurjeet Singh) plans were derailed when his mum discovered his arranged marriage to Nas Paracha (Amy Leigh Hickman) was a cover, and that he’s gay.

Kicked out of home, Naveed was supported by best friend Cory (Sam Retford), who he later slept with.

While it was a sigh of relief for Naveed, Nas warned him not to put all of his eggs in one basket as Cory has been known to sleep around.

Naveed returned home to pack his cases and left for good to move in with Cory, but was left devastated.

Heartbreakingly for Naveed, a half-dressed woman came down the stairs, having just slept with Cory.

Later in the episode, Naveed said: “You don’t need to explain yourself.”

Cory replied: “I wouldn’t even know how to. One thing just lead to another.”

“You’re my mate. This is stopping us being friends.”

Upset, Naveed asked: “Then why did you do it? You knew how I felt, and don’t say you didn’t.”

Cory continued: “You’re my best friend. You’re not like the others. I can talk to you and the other night you were upset.”

This prompted Naveed to snap: “So now it was charity? I don’t need your pity Cory!”

Cory fumed: “This ain’t just about you. How do you think I felt? Yes, I wanted to be with you that night. I’m trying to be honest with you. It didn’t mean the same to me as it did for you. Okay, I’m not gay, you’re not straight, let’s just get over it!”

Fans instantly took to social media, with one viewer raging: “Cory hun you are cancelled until further notice x #AckleyBridge.”

“Cory you’ve lost all my respect #Ackleybridge,” fumed another.

A third added: “Not only are you breaking Naveed’s heart but you’re also breaking ours Cory #AckleyBridge.”

“Cory had better realise he has feelings for Naveed by the end of this series #AckleyBridge,” said another.

A fifth posted: “#AckleyBridge so does Cory like Naveed or is that it done as I am a bit confused.”

“Cory might be being a little hurtful right now, but he brought Naveed’s parents to watch him do something he’s really passionate about and that is rather sweet! #Ackleybridge,” wrote another.

Naveed then performed another stand-up routine where he “officially came out” to the community.

His father and disapproving mother both attended, with Naveed having a one-to-one chat in the dressing room with his mum after the gig.

Naveed’s mother said: “I can’t pretend I understand. But for now, no more lies.”

She then gave him back his set of house keys, accepting him back into her home. Cory then entered and gave him a hug.

Ackley Bridge continues next Tuesday on at 8pm.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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