The Loch review: Classic tricks played on viewers in event-filled series

In movie plots and stories, that is anything that once introduced helps it all work. Those transit papers fussed and fretted over for 90 minutes by the cast of Casablanca are a good example – we never see them.

As far as history is concerned, they never really existed.

They are just very useful to the plot. The more sudden the introduction of a McGuffin, the more obvious its purpose so, cannily, The Loch (Sunday, ITV) mentioned Alan Redford’s nifty new underwater drone camera at the start of Episode One and has only hinted at it ever since.

Even in last night’s instalment when the thing was finally stuck in the water and used, they refused to go full throttle on it.

Alan (Gray O’Brien) scoured the loch with his new toy but when the still undiscovered floating body came up on the big-screen TV, he happened to be engrossed in a phone conversation.

Lots of other delectably tense moments were engineered throughout the episode as young Jonjo (Keiran Gallacher) went missing and rehired local cop Annie Redford (Laura Fraser) raced against the clock to find whoever had Jonjo’s phone while a furious meeting raged in the village hall. 

From the nerve-wracking pings of the phone tracker to the convenient engine failures on Annie’s car, lots of classic tricks were obviously being played on us viewers. Whether they seem cheap or acceptable depends a lot on whatever else is happening. 

There is an enormous amount going on in this series – a boy seemingly kept in a coma by his mother, an ex-murderer scrabbling to keep his new identity in place, a community in shock. And the rest. What it does not need, perhaps, is the whole genius serial killer angle on top.

Broadchurch, to which this series was often compared at the start, took one horrid but very human event and let the whole allegedly close community unravel in the wake of it. 

As a viewer, you wish something similar could be happening with the people around the Loch but instead it has gone all Hollywood with a bad-boy profiler flying in, a killer laying a trail of clues and the inevitable question of, ‘Can they get him before he kills again?. That is what ultimately does not fit. 

I am guessing Ross in Poldark (Sunday, BBC1) must have ponged a fair bit when he finally rode back to Nampara. Having been ordered on to a boat by the French authorities but then swimming back to Roscoff and spending all his guineas on bribes, he must have had quite a struggle getting a ticket home.

He did not say, though, and despite her grumbles throughout the episode, Demelza (Eleanor Tomlinson) did not ask.

All attention was focused on another fine McGuffin, namely a list of English prisoners being held at a fort near Roscoff and the question of whether dear old Dr Enys was among them.

It seemed he was, although Ross (Aidan Turner) risked being beheaded in the process of finding that out and there was not anything he could do with the information once he had.

Talking of pointless information, the first contestant on Blind Date (Channel 5) shouted ‘I’m from Essex!’ He was followed by hopefuls from the equally shoutable locations of Dublin and Liverpool, which made us wonder what people shout when they come from somewhere like Buckinghamshire.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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