Can This Underdog Candidate Unseat America's Most Popular Governor?

The son of a Korean War veteran and civil rights activist, Setti Warren knew that he too wanted to make a difference. To hear him tell it, he felt called to a life of service. So, naturally, he set his sights on medicine. Except, “I was way too squeamish to be a doctor,” Warren, 47, […]

Could an anti-Brexit independent unseat the Tories in their rural heartland?

Rural English seats have long been considered safe Tory terrain. But in the southwest constituency of East Devon, one pro-EU independent could be about to challenge that complacent assumption. Claire Wright, who has run a lively campaign against Brexit and cuts to the National Health Service (NHS), has invigorated the political debate in this oft-neglected […]

He Helped Unseat the Gambian Dictator — Who's Next?

Jeffrey Smith hadn’t slept for two days. The notifications sounded throughout the night — Whatsapp, Facebook, Skype, Viber, Gmail, Google Voice. One minute the iPhone would vibrate against his small, antique kitchen table; the next, the laptop would ping with an alert. December’s elections in Gambia represented its first real chance at ousting a dictator […]