75% of Venice under water after unusually high tide strikes famed city (WATCH LIVE)

HomeWorld News Published time: 29 Oct, 2018 18:36 Get short URL © Reuters / Manuel Silvestri Three-quarters of the Italian city of Venice is currently under water after a storm system brought strong winds and rose water levels more than five feet. Let’s block ads! (Why?)

How brands, businesses, and publishers can capitalize on the rising tide of messaging platforms

BII This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here. Nearly every major messaging platform has spent the past few years rolling out tools to attract new users and give businesses tools to reach those users.See the rest […]

Raptors vs. Cavaliers: In series of stars, 'Bench Mob' could turn the tide

The Raptors meet Cleveland in the NBA playoffs for the third consecutive year, beginning Tuesday in Toronto. Here are five keys to the series: Still the King So much of this series is about LeBron James. The four-time NBA MVP has averaged 30.9 points against Toronto in their last 12 meetings, and proved once again […]

Lebanon's Waste Warriors Fight the Rising Tide of Trash

Imagine living in a house made largely of recycled material like tires, glass bottles and tin cans, with a dose of earth, clay, hay and rock. You produce your water through rain harvesting, your own electricity through photovoltaic panels and windmills, and your own food in a greenhouse. In a remote Lebanese village called Baskinta, […]

More teens eating Tide Pods despite warnings, as meme earns commercial appeal

YouTube and Facebook have been desperately trying to stop kids from participating in a popular new trend that involves eating laundry detergent, but it’s not working. Now, some businesses are taking advantage of the phenomenon. Earlier this week, the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) issued a “high alert” warning that said the trend […]