Stop What You’re Doing and Read Ta-Nehisi Coates on Trump and White Supremacy

We haven’t done one of our regular “recommended reading” posts in a while, so consider this an emergency bulletin: this morning, The Atlantic published a new essay by Ta-Nehisi Coates on Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and white supremacy. It is, unsurprisingly, essential. “For Trump,” the Between the World and Me author writes, “it almost seems […]

Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan Are Collaborating Once Again, This Time on a Film Penned By Ta-Nehisi Coates

Director Ryan Coogler and actor Michael B. Jordan first showed the dynamism of their work together with Fruitvale Station and Creed, the first being Coogler’s directorial debut feature, following a day in the life of Oscar Grant, who, at the end of that day, would be killed, while unarmed, in the Fruitvale BART Station by a police officer. […]