Japan’s latest supercomputer is dedicated to nuclear fusion

This year, Japan will deploy a Cray XC50 that will be the world’s most powerful supercomputer in the field of advanced nuclear fusion research. It will be installed at the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science (QST) and used for local nuclear fusion science and to support ITER, the massive multinational fusion project scheduled […]

Russian nuclear weapons engineers caught ­­­­minting blockchange with supercomputer

A reproduction of the Tsar Bomba, the biggest nuclear weapon ever detonated, at the Nuclear Weapons Museum at RFNC-VNIIEF in Sarov, where Russia designs and builds its nuclear weapons—and some engineers apparently decided to try to do some nuclear-powered blockchain mining. (credit: Croquant & Hex) Russia’s Interfax News Agency reports that engineers at the All-Russian […]

Liqid and Orange Silicon Valley show off a ‘composable’ GPU supercomputer

Liqid and Orange Silicon Valley have teamed up to create a prototype for a “composable” graphics supercomputer. That means it is a computer built with graphics chips that can scale from a small size to a very large size based on the demands of its users. The companies believe it could be used as an […]

Gorgeous new supercomputer images reveal what the total solar eclipse might look like

Courtesy of Predictive Science, Inc. No one knows exactly what the total solar eclipse will look like until it actually happens on Monday. But that hasn’t stopped computer scientists from guessing. Nearly anyone in the US can see the moon partially block the sun on Monday, weather permitting. However, those lucky enough to be in […]

Volvo will use NVIDIA’s supercomputer to power its self-driving cars in 2021 (NVDA)

NVIDIA/Youtube Nvidia announced its third automotive partnership this year as it looks to beat competitors like Intel in the race to power self-driving cars. Nvidia will install its Drive PX supercomputer system in Volvo cars by 2021, Nvidia CEO and founder Jensen Huang said during Automobil Elektronik Kongress, a conference in Germany, Monday night pacific time. The […]