Arrival of Turkish star soccer player leads to scuffles at Istanbul Airport (VIDEO)

The arrival of renowned Turkish soccer player Arda Turan in Istanbul was marked with scuffles between police and fans, who were a bit too eager to greet the star. Emotions soared in Istanbul Ataturk Airport on Saturday, when around 200 fans of İstanbul Başakşehir FC gathered to greet their team’s new player. Renowned midfielder Arda […]

Dallas anti-racism rally marred by scuffles at Pioneer Park Cemetery (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Published time: 20 Aug, 2017 03:57 Edited time: 20 Aug, 2017 04:09 Thousands of people have attended a peaceful rally against white supremacism in Dallas. The event was marred by scuffles with supporters of a Confederate monument at Pioneer Park Cemetery. Dozens of protesters are defying police orders to disperse. READ MORE: Trump applauds Boston […]

Scuffles break out between far-right & counter-protesters in Barcelona (VIDEO)

Published time: 18 Aug, 2017 17:14 Edited time: 18 Aug, 2017 18:10 Police were forced to intervene as scuffles broke out between far-right anti-Islam protesters and participants of a counter demonstration in Barcelona, following Thursday’s terrorist attack in the city. Anti-fascist and far-right groups planned simultaneous protests in Barcelona just one day after a terrorist […]

Scuffles, fistfights erupt as pro and anti-Trump rallies clash in Berkeley (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Clashes between opposing political camps erupted in Berkeley, California, as Trump supporters and opponents squared off under the watchful eye of police in riot gear. People participating in the “March 4 Trump” demonstration, to show support for President Donald Trump, were met by a “By Any Means Necessary” counter-demonstration group in downtown Berkeley on Saturday […]