Dallas Stars CEO rips high-priced Benn, Seguin as 'terrible'

Dallas Stars CEO Jim Lites ripped captain Jamie Benn and fellow high-priced forward Tyler Seguin, telling reporters Friday their play has been "terrible" and saying owner Tom Gaglardi was frustrated as well. Lites requested the interviews, saying he believed Seguin and Benn deserved more public criticism with a team Lites says is underachieving. Dallas started […]

California wildfire rips through nuclear waste site, fueling airborne toxin risk concerns

The Woolsey fire that engulfed over 90,000 acres in California last weekend may have spread toxic and radioactive substances from a Superfund site, according to activists who believe authorities might be downplaying the risks. The fire passed through the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL), a federal Superfund site in the Simi Hills that was the […]

Gary Cohn rips into Wall Street-critic Elizabeth Warren, calling her attacks on banks ‘naive’

REUTERS/Ruben Sprich Gary Cohn, the former top economic adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to some of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s criticism of Wall Street banks and the Trump administration on Monday.  At a Reuters event, Cohn disagreed that the tax cuts enacted earlier this year primarily benefitted the wealthy.  He also said Warren’s argument that […]

‘God bless us all if this man continues on this path’: Puerto Rican mayor rips into Trump’s disaster-relief effort amid Hurricane Florence

Getty Images/Joe Raedle Mayor Carmen Cruz of San Juan, Puerto Rico blasted President Donald Trump’s assertion that his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria was an “unsung success” and “incredibly successful.” “The president keeps adding insult to injury and I think his words are despicable,” Cruz said. “They really do not have any connection with reality.” […]

Trump rips LeBron's intelligence hours before rally in Ohio

Ahead of campaigning in Ohio on Saturday, President Donald Trump unleashed a withering attack on the state’s favorite son, savaging LeBron James in a late-night tweet that derided the intelligence of one of the nation’s most prominent African-American men. Trump blasted James after seemingly watching an interview the former Cleveland Cavaliers star did earlier in […]

ITV This Morning: 'You're covering your BACKSIDE' Eamonn Holmes RIPS into parking chief

This Morning fans tuned in to see hosts Eamonn Holmes, 58, and Ruth Langsford, 58, discuss a viral video that has caused a social media outcry. It comes after a clip was posted online showed a parking ticket attendant from Euro Parking Services issuing an emergency service vehicle with a ticket. Caught on camera by witness Ian […]

Massive fire rips through Europe’s 2nd largest theme park (PHOTO, VIDEO)

A huge fire has broken out at Europa-Park in the German town of Rust, the second most visited theme park in Europe after Disneyland. The inferno prompted the visitors to evacuate as many lamented their favorite attraction online. A huge plume of black smoke has risen hundreds of meters in sky as a warehouse near […]

Tribeca 2018: Patti Smith Rips Off the Roof With the Concert Doc ‘Horses’

“Can’t mess with a 69-year-old broad!” announces Patti Smith in her new concert film Horses: Patti Smith and Her Band, and though it’s a follow-up to rather a devastating burn on an audience member who dares holler “take it off” when she futzes with her vest (“Oh, yeah for you, right– honey, I got better […]