A small provision in the GOP tax law could soon become a nightmare for the NBA and MLB

Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters A tweak to the tax code as part of the new GOP tax law is causing problems for professional sports teams. The change makes trades of assets subject to capital gains taxes. This is a problem because leagues like the MLB and NBA aren’t sure how to exactly value assets like players and […]

A Provision Hidden in the Banking Bill Could Hurt Black Homeowners

Imagine two families in Mobile, Alabama, trying to buy a home. The households are similar in many ways. They have roughly the same income and employment history. They are seeking to buy similar three-bedroom ranches in comparable, quiet neighborhoods. They both want a loan from the same local bank, and both want to put down […]

Trump’s attempt to rewrite NAFTA pushes a provision that is ‘senseless — and unnecessary’

Donald Trump campaigned for president on the premise that he would rip up US trade deals including the North America Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada, which he has dubbed “the worst trade deal ever made.” While he was quick to renege on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement with 11 Pacific-Rim nations that President Barack […]