Darum solltest du die Finger vom Multitasking lassen

Son Tuyen Huynh / BuzzFeed Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach versuchst du viele Aufgaben gleichzeitig zu erledigen. Du scrollst womöglich durch Instagram, während du zum Beispiel an einer Ampel wartest. Du chattest mit Kolleg*innen, während du einen Bericht raushaust. Du schreibst Nachrichten, während sich jemand mit dir unterhält. Oder du spielst Candy Crush während du so tust, […]

Multitasking Your Way Through the Making of a Multitasking Movie

Multitasking has become a driving force of modern life. And while the seemingly never-ending to-do list has become more of a universal feature of daily living, how we tackle the tasks ahead of us is distinctly unique. As such, OZY asked three rising-star filmmakers to each create a short film about how they view multitasking. […]

How to Stop Multitasking and Become Way More Productive

Multitasking is a problem. It dilutes your focus and attention so even the easiest of tasks become much harder and take longer to complete.Studies have shown that while you think you are multitasking, you are in fact task switching, which means your attention is switching between two or more pieces of work and that depletes […]

Why You May Want to Ditch Those Multitasking Skills

Cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists over the world have repeatedly proven that ‘multitasking’ is a myth.There are about 2.5% of people, according to a test done by David Strayer and Jason Watson from the University of Utah and the University of Denver at Colorado, that are indeed ‘supertaskers’.The rest of us are in the majority; we […]