THE POINT-OF-SALE APP MARKETPLACES REPORT: How payments firms are upgrading their service offerings to meet evolving merchant demands

BII In an increasingly digitized world, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing immense pressure to understand and accommodate their customers’ changing needs, including at the point of sale (POS).  More than two years after the EMV liability shift in October 2015, most large merchants globally have upgraded their payment systems. And beyond upgrading to meet new standards, many […]

THE POINT-OF-SALE APP MARKETPLACES REPORT: How payments firms are upgrading their service offerings to meet evolving merchant demands

BII In an increasingly digitized world, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing immense pressure to understand and accommodate their customers’ changing needs, including at the point of sale (POS).  More than two years after the EMV liability shift in October 2015, most large merchants globally have upgraded their payment systems. And beyond upgrading to meet new standards, many […]