How to stop ingrown toenails: Cut your nails this shape to avoid pain and inflammation

Ingrown toenails can be caused by a number of things, for example, wearing tight-fitting shoes, socks or tights, having sweaty feet, or the natural shape of your nail make it more likely for your roils to press into the skin surround the nail. Badly cut toenails can also lead to an ingrown toenail, so before […]

How to get rid of ingrown pubic hair: THIS kitchen ingredient can help tease them out

With summer holiday season upon us, it means more time spent in swimwear, more time spent in the pool, and unfortunately more time spent doing hair removal.  For those who choose shaving as their preferred method of hair removal this can bring bad news – the more often you shave, the more likely you are […]

Ingrown pubic hair: What are the causes and how to get rid of it FAST

Ingrown hairs are hairs that have curled round and grown back into the skin.  They produce raised red spots, which can become infected and turn into painful, pus-filled sores.  Itchiness can also occur, but they often go away on their own without any treatment.  While they can pop up in any area of hair growth, […]