High blood pressure medication could be causing headaches and impotence

However, high blood pressure medication can cause side effects among patients. Patients under the age of 55 are usually offered ACE inhibitors or angiotensin-2 receptor blocker (ARB), However, for patients aged 55 or older, or those who are any age and are of African or Caribbean origin will usually be offered a calcium channel blocker. […]

Erectile dysfunction: Bizarre shockwave treatment could CURE impotence, study claims

Erectile dysfunction can cause a lot of trauma for men suffering from the condition.  The NHS described erectile dysfunction (ED) as “the inability to get and maintain an erection”. It said: “Erectile dysfunction is a very common condition, particularly in older men. It is estimated that half of all men between the ages of 40 […]

Erectile dysfunction treatment – NEW stem cell therapy could be CURE for impotence

Erectile dysfunction – also known as impotence – is a common problem experienced by men.  A new trial is giving hope to sufferers after effectively treating the condition using stem cell therapy.  Men who are continent and unable to have an erection after prostate surgery have undergone clinical tests.  Of the 15 participants, eight were […]