Destiny 2 Weekly Reset time, Forsaken news and Festival of the Lost for PS4 and Xbox

The Destiny 2 Weekly Reset time is set for tomorrow, October 30, and will wipe clean all player progress from select PS4, Xbox and PC events. This will be the seventh reset since the Forsaken expansion went live, and means Guardians have a limited amount of time to finish their most recent activities. Bungie will […]

This Week In Trailers: Trust Machine, Meow Wolf: Origin Story, Sink or Swim, Super Drags, The London Korean Film Festival

Trailers are an under-appreciated art form insofar that many times they’re seen as vehicles for showing footage, explaining films away, or showing their hand about what moviegoers can expect. Foreign, domestic, independent, big budget: What better way to hone your skills as a thoughtful moviegoer than by deconstructing these little pieces of advertising? This week […]

11 Movies To See From This Year’s Tallgrass Film Festival

I’ve sung the praises of the Tallgrass Film Festival on these pages before, with fully acknowledged bias: it’s my hometown film festival, which I’ve covered since its inception. (I even placed a short film in its inaugural edition.) The festival’s 16th edition, held last weekend in Wichita, Kansas, continued the traditions they’ve cultivated over the […]

‘Happy New Year, Colin Burstead’ Review: Ben Wheatley’s Dysfunctional Family Drama Feels More Like a TV Pilot Than a Film [Festival du Nouveau Cinéma]

It’s the tried and true experiment: stick a dysfunctional family in a big house for a day and see what happens. When done well, it can be a like a cathartic claustrophobic symphony. But Ben Wheatley‘s Happy New Year, Colin Burstead doesn’t pack a punch. This particular story of family dysfunction is set in the […]

7 More Movies to See From This Year’s New York Film Festival

The New York Film Festival has run longer than most of his prestigious contemporaries — the 56th annual edition ended yesterday — and though it’s easy to lump them all together, it’s really an altogether different kind of festival. It stretches out for a longer period, three weekends and two weeks, as opposed to the […]

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset time, Forsaken news, Festival of the Lost for PS4 and Xbox One

The Destiny 2 Weekly Reset time begin later today and will wipe clean all players progress from various events on PS4, Xbox and PC. This will be the fifth reset since the Forsaken expansion went live, meaning there are only hours left before everything is reset. Bungie will be resetting Destiny 2 on Tuesday, October […]

10 Must-See Movies at This Year’s New York Film Festival

The 56th annual New York Film Festival kicks off tomorrow night at Lincoln Center with a big, splashy opening night screening of The Favourite, the new laugh riot from Yorgos Lanthimos. Over the two-plus weeks that follow, festival-goers will sample a selection of some of the most invigorating foreign, independent, and documentary titles of the year […]

Flavorwire’s 2018 Toronto International Film Festival Diary

TORONTO – After three years of attendance, here’s the thing I’ve learned about the Toronto International Film Festival: you just have to accept that you’re not going to see everything you want to see. This is a gigantic, everything-and-the-kitchen-sink kind of festival, in which star-driven studio Oscar hopefuls and undistributed foreign indies are vying for […]

How Eugenie’s festival wedding is set to be bigger than Meghan Markle and Harry’s

Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank are planning a festival-style event for their wedding. The minor royal’s plans involve celebrating with guests over a whole weekend. While their ceremony with take place on Friday, the couple and their family and friends will continue the celebrations all weekend. Another party will take place on Saturday afternoon. According […]