Sweden's housing asylum seekers deprives other vulnerable groups – report

Sweden is allocating housing to asylum seekers at the expense of other vulnerable groups, according to a report seen by the country’s national broadcaster SVT. The country’s government blames the municipalities, saying they are not building enough houses. The report by Sweden’s county administrative boards said that around 60 percent of the country’s municipalities said […]

Emmerdale fans OUTRAGED as HUGE blunder deprives them from crucial minutes of Faith twist

The blunder meant Emmerdale fans in the Emerald Isle missed out on the nail-biting cliffhanger which saw Faith Dingle unveil her double mastectomy scars. Long-term viewers of the ITV soap were understandably outraged by the technical glitch and didn’t hesitate to vent their panic on Twitter.  “@TV3Ireland what’s going on with @emmerdale??? After the break […]