Judge orders to restore DACA, says Trump admin failed to provide reasons for ending it

A US federal judge has sided with the plaintiffs in a case filed against the Trump administration’s move to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which had sparked a wave of protests in September. DC District Judge John Bates on Friday upheld his earlier ruling from April 24, that found the White House’s decision […]

‘No more DACA deal!’ Trump rules out legal status for childhood arrivals

Donald Trump has said there will be no deal to give legal status to migrants who came to the US as minors. In a series of tweets on Sunday, he also told Republicans to take the “nuclear option” and eliminate the Senate filibuster. READ MORE: Trump suggests American military may pay for US-Mexico border wall […]

‘Dreamers’ protest outside Schumer’s home & office over DACA

Immigration activists gathered outside Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-New York) home and office to protest his deal with Republicans to end the federal government shutdown without protections for so-called “dreamers.” On Tuesday night, dozens of protesters met under the arch at Grand Army Plaza in Prospect Park before marching over to Schumer’s Prospect Park […]


The US Department of Justice announced Tuesday that it will take the unusual step of immediately petitioning the US Supreme Court to challenge a judge’s order that partially revived the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. An appeal would normally go to a federal circuit court — in this case, the US Court of Appeals […]

Trump administration resumes accepting DACA renewal applications under court order

Thomson Reuters The federal government is now accepting applications to renew permits under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.  The Trump administration had begun phasing out the program in September and intended to terminate it on March 5.  A federal judge in California on Tuesday ordered the Trump administration to continue processing DACA renewal applications. […]

Judge blocks Trump from ending DACA program for immigrants

Associated Press/Evan Vucci A judge blocked President Donald Trump’s administration from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a program that shielded children brought to the United States illegally by their parents. The ruling came as Trump and U.S. congressional leaders negotiated broad immigration reforms. SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. judge blocked President […]

Judge bars Trump admin from rescinding DACA – report

Published time: 10 Jan, 2018 03:50 Edited time: 10 Jan, 2018 03:59 A judge has granted a pretrial injunction, blocking the Trump administration’s rollback of protections for illegal immigrants who arrived in the US as children, according to Reuters. The order does not, however, prevent the Trump administration from refusing to process any new applicants […]

Trump wants $18bn for border wall in exchange for DACA – report

President Trump is reportedly asking Congress for a total $ 33 billion to fund his wall and other border security in exchange for ensuring protections for “dreamers” – illegal immigrants brought to the country as children. Trump is asking Congress for nearly $ 18 billion to pay for the construction of more than 700 miles […]

White House chief of staff John Kelly met with top senators to discuss a DACA fix for January

Associated Press/Manuel Balce Ceneta White House chief of staff John Kelly met with top senators on Tuesday to discuss policy changes they want included in a potential fix next month for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The Trump administration likely wants changes to border security included in any DACA deal. Lawmakers […]

Two members of Congress among hundreds arrested protesting DACA, TPS decisions

Published time: 6 Dec, 2017 21:19 Thousands of protesters gathered at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC to protest the Trump administration’s decision to ditch programs protecting immigrants. Over two hundred people were arrested, including two members of Congress. Organized by The New York Immigrant Coalition and CASA Virginia, protesters called for Congress to vote […]