Planting GMOs kills so many bugs that it helps non-GMO crops

(credit: St. Louis County, MN) One of the great purported boons of GMOs is that they allow farmers to use fewer pesticides, some of which are known to be harmful to humans or other species. Bt corn, cotton, and soybeans have been engineered to express insect-killing proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, and they have indeed been […]

Is This One of the Worst Crops Ever For Best Animated Feature at the Oscars?

A list of twenty-six feature films have been submitted in the hopes of being nominated and ultimately winning Best Animated Feature at the upcoming Academy Awards ceremony. And yes, in case you were wondering, The Emoji Movie and The Boss Baby are among them. Is this one of the worst batches of potential nominees in the category’s […]

Monsanto bets on AI to protect crops against disease

Monsanto has drawn plenty of criticism for its technology-driven (and heavily litigious) approach to agriculture, but its latest effort might just hint at the future of farming. It’s partnering with Atomwise on the use of AI to quickly discover molecules that can protect crops against disease and pests. Rather than ruling out molecules one at […]

Colombia says it’s convincing drug farmers to grow other crops — but drug traffickers say otherwise

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas The meeting between Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and President Donald Trump on Thursday focused heavily on the drug trade, something both leaders have targeted during their time in office. Colombia — the world’s biggest producer of coca, the base ingredient of cocaine — has struggled to crack down on drugs, and the […]

Colombia says it’s convincing drug farmers to grow other crops — but drug traffickers say otherwise

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas The meeting between Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and President Donald Trump on Thursday focused heavily on the drug trade, something both leaders have targeted during their time in office. Colombia — the world’s biggest producer of coca, the base ingredient of cocaine — has struggled to crack down on drugs, and the […]