8 Things to Watch for If You’re Considering Being Vegetarian

Vegetarianism has been around for a long time, finding favor with many people, including Pythagoras clear back around 580 B.C. It’s been presented as one of the most healthy diets around, including being touted by the Egyptians to the point of abstaining from meat and animal clothing due to karmic beliefs. The vegetarian society (vegsoc.org) […]

The White House is considering nuking asteroids, according to a NASA report

Shutterstock NASA and US government agencies have released plans for dealing with Near Earth Objects. The plan outlines options for deflection and disruption. A disruption plan raises the possibility of using nuclear weapons. The US has an official strategy for dealing with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) that threaten the planet — and yes, it involves nukes. You […]

Trump considering plan to drug test some food stamp recipients

Seth Wenig/AP The Trump administration is considering a plan that would allow states to require certain food stamp recipients to undergo drug testing. The plan would be narrowly targeted and would mostly apply to people who are able-bodied, without dependents, and applying for some specialized jobs. One person familiar with the plan said around 5% […]

Trump may now be considering firing Rod Rosenstein

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts President Donald Trump is reportedly mulling over firing deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein. The New York Times reported Tuesday that Rosenstein personally signed off on a search warrant targeting Trump’s longtime longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen. FBI agents raided Cohen’s office, home, and hotel room early Monday morning and seized records, electronic devices, and […]

Dow futures tumble after Trump says he’s considering $100 billion in additional tariffs on China

Investing.com US stock futures tumbled more than 1% late Thursday. The drop came after news that President Donald Trump is considering an additional $ 100 billion in tariffs on China. Risk aversion has reared its head in early Asian trade on Friday following news that Donald Trump has asked the US Trade Representative (USTR) to […]

Manly considering appeal

Video Manly considering appeal4:51 NRL: Cody Kaye reports that Manly are considering appealing the sanctions that NRL served the Sea Eagles over their salary cap rort. March 27th 2018 14 minutes ago /display/newscorpaustralia.com/Web/NewsNetwork/Sport news and galleries/NRL News/ NRL News Toovey: ‘I was never interviewed’1:29 March 27th 2018 an hour ago /display/newscorpaustralia.com/Web/NewsNetwork/Sport news and galleries/NRL News/ […]

Twitter is sinking after the Israeli government says its considering legal action (TWTR)

Associated Press Twitter is down more than 5% after the Israeli government requested it remove content that suggests violence against the state. Israel said that Twitter is ignoring those requests. This comes as other social media companies experience a wave of negative attention related to content issues.  Twitter shares are sinking, down more than 5% Tuesday, […]

White House lawyer says Trump is ‘not considering or discussing’ firing Mueller

Associated Press/Evan Vucci White House lawyer Ty Cobb said Sunday that President Donald Trump is not considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. Trump railed against Mueller and the Russia investigation in a series of tweets over the weekend. Trump’s personal attorney, John Dowd, also called for Mueller’s investigation to be shuttered. White House lawyer Ty […]

South Korean officials seek clarification after reports suggested Trump was considering pulling US troops out of the country

John Locher/AP South Korean officials are looking for clarification on comments President Donald Trump made about the status of US troops in the country. During a speech, Trump referenced what he called the US’s “big trade deficit” and its military presence in South Korea, prompting speculation over whether he was considering a withdrawal of US […]

Trump is considering a move that could set off ‘the next great crisis’ with China

Reuters/Carlos Barria President Donald Trump is reportedly pushing members of his administration to come up with new tariffs and trade restrictions on China. The restrictions would be part of an investigation under Section 301 of the the US Trade Act of 1974 that is looking into intellectual property theft by Chinese firms. The move would likely […]