Diabetes type 2 – swap your carbohydrates for this 50p snack to slash your blood sugar

Diabetes type 2 is caused by the pancreas not producing enough of the hormone insulin, or the body not reacting to insulin. Without enough insulin, the body struggles to convert sugar in the blood into useable energy, according to the NHS. Diabetes symptoms include passing more urine than normal, feeling very thirsty, and having cuts […]

A high-fat diet can help you live longer – but carbohydrates linked to higher death risk

Eating fat in moderation can even help you live longer. The research turns decades of conventional advice on its head. Diets loaded with carbs such as pasta, bread and rice were associated with a 28 per cent higher risk of death compared to low carbohydrate diets. But high-fat diets were linked with a 23 per […]