WATCH: Puppy escapes and runs at break-neck speed down busy road…and then THIS happens

Owning a dog can be exceptionally rewarding, but this dog owner’s day was stressful to say the least.  A video of a ‘puppy’ being chased through traffic in Mexico City has gone viral.  The heart-in-mouth video shows the puppy escape from its owner and dart off toward three lanes of busy traffic.  It weaves between […]

The Walking Dead season 8: Showrunner teases new series will run at ‘breakneck pace’

He promised fans that following the heart-stopping fight between Negan and the Alexandrians in the season seven finale, the show will not slow down.  “By virtue of the fact that the narrative has turned into one of pretty insane conflict… it’s going to affect the structure in ways that make it a bit more kinetic, […]