INTERVIEW: Red Rising author new Sons of Ares prequel PLUS Irongold news & fan power

PH Pierce Brown’s new Sons of Ares comic book is out now Who is Pierce Brown’s favourite character and who does he regret killing? What does he have planned for Darrow and his friends in the new Irongold trilogy? Which famous actors does he want to see cast in the upcoming film and how does […]

Two New ‘Wonder Woman’ TV Spots Give a Peek at Ares, Ultimate Ticket On Sale Now

Some of the internet was abuzz yesterday about a supposed lack of promotion for Wonder Woman at this time with a little over a month to go until the film arrives on June 2. The logic behind this is that the official Warner Bros. YouTube channel for Wonder Woman has significantly less videos promoting the […]

Wonder Woman movie leak: HARRY POTTER star revealed as main baddie Ares

The DC Extended Universe movie is due in a few months but the makers have been keeping the identity of who is playing Wonder Woman’s main enemy under wraps. The film had a recent secret screening in California this weekend and we didn’t even need to snare them with the Lasso of Truth. Loose-lipped fans […]

Wonder Woman villain: Arnold Schwarzenegger set for Ares god of war opposite Gal Gadot?

The DC follow up to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad isn’t released until June, but fans are still wondering who will play the main antagonist. Last month Ares, the Greek god of war, was confirmed as the villain during a Wonder Woman set visit. However whoever plays him has been keep […]