Old South Confederate monument backers cite 1929 book claiming Lincoln, ‘vindictive’ anti-slavery movement caused Civil War

Reuters/Cheryl Gerber BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Sometimes it seems like the impassioned people who want to preserve Confederate monuments across the South are reading a different history book than the rest of the nation. In fact, they are. A decades-old booklet called the “Confederate Catechism” lays out core beliefs of Southern heritage groups including the […]

The World's Most Celebrated Anti-Slavery Program Is Being Gutted

On March 28, federal inspectors raided a remote farm on the Araguaia River, which skirts the eastern edge of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. They found a family of five, including a baby, living in a cattle shed with rats, frogs and bats. They had no toilet or drinking water and had been paid […]