Emmerdale spoilers: Adam Thomas reveals final scenes will be 'explosive'

Adam Thomas confirmed he was quitting the soap earlier this year, but details surrounding the storyline had been kept quiet. Now the 29-year-old has dropped a huge hint over what viewers can expect as he teased his final scenes will be “explosive”. Discussing his exit in an interview with OK! Magazine, Adam revealed: “I’m not […]

Avengers Infinity War: Marvel star warns when THESE two heroes meet it is 'EXPLOSIVE'

Nobody is expecting Infinity War to be a quiet affair. The megamovie is bringing together The Guardians of the Galxay with the Avengers and associated Earth heroes like Black Panther and Doctor Strange as they battle Thanos’ plans to collect all the Infinity Stones. A recent movie still already showed the explosive encounter between Loki […]

The 'Explosive' Bombardier Beetle Got Robbed by a Dingo for the Title of Most Interesting Genome

GIF GIF source: YouTube This week, the Pacific Biosciences SMRT Grant announced the lucky winner of the World’s Most Interesting Genome competition. The contest was voted on by the public and a dingo named Sandy won the day. But was that the right decision? No, Sandy is kind of like a doggo and it’s clear […]