Splatoon 2 eShop down: Nintendo Switch games launch hit by major issue

Those trying to grab the game tonight from the online shop found themselves hit by an error message.

No pre-loading options were available for Splatoon 2 before its release date, leading many to believe that a server surge caused the issue.

Fans trying to download the title on Nintendo Switch got an “Error code 2811-7503” message, instead.

“Had the eshop on my laptop and got through the process fast enough to purchase it, try opening a tab and refreshing that with the switch in your lap at the same time. Worked for me,” one fan wrote.

As mentioned above, while players struggled to download Splatoon 2 directly using the Nintendo Switch, some have reported more success using the website.

Others have not been so lucky, with another user commenting: “I’ve been trying continuously to access the eShop for forty five minutes and this is still a problem??? 

“I’ve made it through four times and managed to enter the payment system twice only to be booted back to the home screen. 

“I’m tired of nintendo’s approach to online functionality. I love you guys, but just get your act together!”

While these issues cropped up at around midnight, it appears the initial issues have dropped siginicantly since.

For those Switch owners who are successful with grabbing the new game, Nintendo have made it clear they expect a certain level of respect between players.

In fact, Nintendo Switch owners will get a warning message for rage quitting in Splatoon 2.

The message that no Splatoon 2 owner wants to get, the message says that players will be blocked for quitting during online matches.

“Your previous online play session didn’t end naturally, which is PREEEEETTY suspicious,” the message reads.

“If this keeps happening, we’re gonna have to block you from playing online for a while. Make sure your internet isn’t busted and try again.”

It’s unclear how many warnings players will get before bans kick in, but it looks like Nintendo is keen to prevent rage quitting from becoming an issue.

The message was sent out to some fans during the Splatoon 2 Splatfest over the weekend.

The Splatoon 2 Splatfest gave gamers the chance to try a selection of Splatoon 2’s new weapons and stages.

In terms of maps, the Starfish Mainstage and Inkblot Art Academy arenas were playable from 5-7pm, while Moray Towers and Humpback Pump Track were added later.

Weapon combinations included the Tentatek Splattershot, Splat Bomb and Inkjet; the Splat Roller, Curling Bomb and Splashdown; the Splat Charger, Splat Bomb and Sting Ray, plus the Splat Dualies, Burst Bomb and Tenta Missiles.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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