With it, Madeley branded Mr Corbyn and his Chancellor McDonnell as Marxists and wanted to know how their anti-capitalist stance would work for the economy should they win a general election. Richard Madeley was on top form this morning as he relaxed back into his former presenting position on ITV’s magazine show This Morning. Alongside his wife Judy Finnigan, they interviewed Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. But midway through, Madeley had a burning question.
“Can I ask you a question? Because this is the first time we’ve met, I’ve been wanting to ask you – on the assumption I’d interview you one day – here it is!” Madeley began.
“You don’t do many interviews if I’m honest and I’m not on as much as I was.
“But anyway, here it is, your Shadow Chancellor says in Who’s Who, that his hobby is ‘fomenting the downfall of capitalism’.
“He spells ‘fomenting’ wrong by the way but we’ll let that pass, he spells it like the beer, exactly,” the presenter continued.
READ MORE: ITV This Morning: Judy Finnigan leaves fans fuming
“That’s what he says, and he is to all intents and purposes, as are you, a marxist which is an anti-capitalist stance.
“How would it work, if you did win the election, to have a chancellor in Number 11 who is dedicated to the downfall of capitalism. A Chancellor who doesn’t believe in capitalism!
“How on earth would that work?” Madeley reiterated.
Mr Corbyn answered: “Well I think you’ve got a Chancellor who would be very good at managing the economy.
It comes after the Labour Party’s would-be Chancellor, John McDonnell spoke seriously about overthrowing capitalism and building a socialist society.
Asked about his entry in the Who’s Who directory of influential people which list his passion for “generally fermenting the overthrow of capitalism”, Mr McDonnell said it was a joke about beer-making, but he agrees with the principle.
Elsewhere in the This Morning interview, Madeley asked why Mr Corbyn didn’t want a general election.
“The thing is you see, what people watching this will be thing is ‘Jeremy Corbyn is actually frightened of an election’.
“‘He’s frightened for two reasons, one because his person poll ratings,’ your personal poll ratings are awful. They’ve never been this bad.
“And your party’s poll ratings are dreadful too. And if there was an election based on the poll at the moment you’d lose and the Tories would win,” Madeley slammed.
Alongside this, many viewers were left “disappointed” with Finnigan’s response when Mr Corbyn made a swipe at Mr Johnson.
This Morning airs weekdays at 10.30am on ITV