Where is the best place to buy a property for sale if you are looking to buy-to-let?
New research has revealed the best areas to rent in as a landlord.
Many will be surprised to learn that London is not an area where there are big profits to be made – despite sky high rent.
In fact, Liverpool is the best city to buy-to-let in.
The research revealed that an influx of students in the area has caused a booming rental market.
Totally Money looked at 580,000 properties across England, Scotland, and Wales to find the areas that offer the highest buy-to-let yields.
They have also revealed the worst places to rent out your property.
The money experts said: “Our research shows university cities have some of the highest rental yields, with Liverpool, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Edinburgh shown to be top performers.
“Due to new students arriving in these cities year after year, there’s no shortage of tenants for landlords to choose from, making void periods very unlikely.”
Use the interactive map below to discover the best and worst places to buy-to-let.
Best areas for buy-to-let in the UK
This town has three universities and a student population of 70,000, making it a hotspot for buy-to-let investors.
Middlesbrough’s TS1 town centre postcode is home to Teeside University.
It has a student population of close to 22,000.
Edinburgh has a student population of close to 35,000.
Property prices have dropped in London and the South, an expert revealed to Express.co.uk.
What are the changes that can boost the value of your property by £5000?
A new report by McGregor gardening experts and hybrid estate agents Emoov has revealed the five simple changes that can add as much as £5,000 to the value of a UK home.
According to the report, simple and small changes such as mowing the lawn and trimming the hedge can all add value to properties, making a difference when putting a house on the market.
McGregor and Emoov got a home valued before making the changes and after, and the value increased by a whopping £5000.